We will divide your project into two weekly agile sprints. Sprints provide software development deliverables at the end of each sprint. This gives you the opportunity to see progress as the software takes shape. It also allows you to provide feedback throughout the process instead of reviewing everything at the end. If the changes are not what you desire, it’s quicker and easier for us to make changes during the build, instead of after Phase One completion.
We have the same team on your project from day one all the way through completion. This prevents unnecessary delays caused by switching team members in the middle of your project. We also have talented back-up staff that can take over your project at a moment’s notice.
We promise to provide regular communication with our customers. This includes a weekly progress report to keep you informed. This progress report, created from week one, includes a chart showing progress against scheduled deliverables. We will also provide weekly conference calls between you and our project manager and developers to give you the chance to ask questions about our progress and to provide feedback as your software development takes shape.
We want “no surprises” as we make you aware of both good and bad news in a timely fashion. If progress is delayed, we will contact you immediately to explain and work out a plan of action.